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2022 Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Program National Convening
Mapping Our Progress: Advancing Literacy in the Face of COVID-19
March 1-3, 2022

TimeSessionMeeting Material

Day 1

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Michelle Georgia
, Group Leader, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Jennifer Todd, Director, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D.
, TA Team

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Day 1

Keynote: Addressing the Widening Literacy Gap Because of COVID-19 School Disruption
Emma Dorn
, Senior Knowledge Expert, McKinsey & Company
Michael Berry, Team Leader, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Description: This presentation will share national data on the impacts and ramifications of COVID-19 on student learning, primarily literacy. It will include examples of strategies select States are using to respond to these challenges.

  1. COVID-19 and education: The lingering effects of unfinished learning
  2. COVID-19 and education: An emerging K-shaped recovery

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Day 1

Keynote Response Panel
Julie Brehmer
, Michigan Department of Education
Allison Pickens, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Megan Dumond, Office of the State Superintendent of Education, District of Columbia
Jennifer Todd
, Director, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Description: The 2020 CLSD grantee representatives will offer responses to the keynote presentation and provide contextual examples.

  1. Two reports from the Education Policy Innovation Collaborative (EPIC) at Michigan State University exploring questions around the student learning and progress goals during the pandemic:
    • Report 1 (8/21): A summary of K–8 student performance in the fall and spring of the 2020–21 school year
    • Report 2 (12/21): How progress toward learning goals in 2020–21 differed across student groups and district types
  2. The Michigan Department of Education’s Accelerated Learning webpage, which has many resources
Acceleration Roadmap: Pathway to an Equitable Recovery
  1. School Leader Edition
  2. Classroom Educator Edition

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Day 1

Grantee Networking: High-Dosage Tutoring and Other Recovery Strategies
Rebecca Bates
, TA Team
Alicia Espinoza, TA Team
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D., TA Team
Jobi Lawrence, Ed.D., TA Team
Beth Ratway, TA Team
Donna Warthan, Ed.D., TA Team
Description: In facilitated small groups, teams will share resources, respond to discussion questions, and explore tools with colleagues.
This session will use the Gather platform.

Day 1

Resource Review: Monitoring Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices
Rebecca Bates
, TA Team
Alicia Espinoza, TA Team
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D., TA Team
Jobi Lawrence, Ed.D., TA Team
Beth Ratway, TA Team
Donna Warthan, Ed.D., TA Team
Description: The TA liaisons will work with small groups to share and discuss key resources on evidence-based practices and how to monitor their implementation.

  1. Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) West: Accessing & Assessing Research and Evidence
  2. REL Southeast: Implementing Evidence-Based Literacy Practices
  3. IRIS Center: Evaluating Learner Outcomes and Fidelity
  4. REL Northeast & Islands: Continuous Improvement in Education: A Toolkit for Schools and Districts
  5. National Implementation Research Network: Active Implementation Short Courses

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Day 1

Closing Remarks
Jennifer Todd
, Director, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D.
, TA Team

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Day 2

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Jennifer Todd
, Director, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
James Lane, Ed.D., Senior Advisor, Office of the Secretary and
Delegated the Authority to Perform the Functions and Duties of the Assistant Secretary, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D.
, TA Team

Day 2

Schoolwide Adolescent Literacy Models: Ingredients for Successful Launch
Elizabeth Swanson, Ph.D.
, Research Associate Professor, The University of Texas at Austin
R. LeeAnn McGraw, M.Ed., Principal, McCamey Middle School, McCamey Independent School District, Texas
Michael Berry
, Team Leader, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Description: This presentation will outline key resources and supports available to bolster secondary literacy efforts using a schoolwide model. It will include both a research base for strategies and scaling practices, as well as insights from a middle school principal with practical lessons learned.

  1. 10 keys document
  2. PACT Plus Sample Lessons for Grades 6–8

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Day 2

Grantee Bright Spots: Promising Secondary Literacy Strategies
Kyna Magaña, Shantell Lee
, Louisiana Department of Education
Melissa Babcock, Jeremy Luke, Ohio Department of Education
Amy Counts, Arkansas Department of Education
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D.
, TA Team
Description: Grantees from Louisiana, Ohio, and Arkansas will share brief presentations on promising secondary literacy strategies from their CLSD programs. This will be followed by an opportunity to meet with the presenters in small groups to ask questions and discuss their work.

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Day 2

Resource Review: Secondary Literacy
Rebecca Bates
, TA Team
Alicia Espinoza, TA Team
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D., TA Team
Jobi Lawrence, Ed.D., TA Team
Beth Ratway, TA Team
Donna Warthan, Ed.D., TA Team
Description: In this interactive session, the TA liaisons will circulate among small groups to share and discuss key resources on secondary literacy.

  1. The Meadows Center: 10 Key Reading Practices for All Middle and High Schools
  2. Middle School Matters Field Guide: Research-based principles, practices, and strategies
  3. National Center on Intensive Intervention: Academic Intervention Taxonomy Briefs
  4. Carnegie Corporation of New York’s Council on Advancing Adolescent Literacy: Measure for Measure: A Critical Consumers’ Guide to Reading Comprehension Assessments for Adolescents

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Day 2

Closing Remarks
Jennifer Todd
, Director, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D.
, TA Team

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Day 3

Welcome and Opening Remarks
Michael Berry
, Team Leader, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D. Rebecca Bates
, TA Team

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Day 3

Using CLSD Data to Tell a Story
Rebecca Bates
, TA Team
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D., TA Team
Description: This presentation will include a hands-on overview of the newly released Program Evaluation Toolkit, from the Institute of Education Sciences, with a focus on Module 8: Dissemination Approaches. Participants will use a sample case study in small groups to determine the appropriateness of different approaches for disseminating and sharing evaluation findings.

  1. REL Central: Program Evaluation Toolkit: Quick Start Guide
  2. REL Central: Program Evaluation Toolkit: Module 8

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Day 3

Grantee Bright Spots: Lessons Learned in Implementation Monitoring
Kim King, Severo Martinez, Christina Meyer Dzurec
, New Mexico Public Education Department
Danna Steele, Danielle Ward, Kentucky Department of Education
Hollins Emili, Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D.
, TA Team
Description: Grantees from New Mexico, Kentucky, and Alaska will share brief presentations on implementation monitoring strategies from their CLSD programs. This will be followed by an opportunity to meet with the presenters in small groups to ask questions and discuss their work.

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Day 3

Grantee Networking: Subgrantee Monitoring
Rebecca Bates
, TA Team
Alicia Espinoza, TA Team
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D., TA Team
Jobi Lawrence, Ed.D., TA Team
Beth Ratway, TA Team
Donna Warthan, Ed.D., TA Team
Description: In facilitated small groups, teams will share resources, respond to discussion questions, and explore tools with colleagues.

Day 3

Closing Remarks
Jennifer Todd, Director, Well-Rounded Education Programs Office, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education
Bridget Humphries, Ed.D.
, TA Team

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Speaker Biographies

Rebecca Bates, M.Ed., PMP, is the deputy director of the Region 9 Comprehensive Center, which serves Illinois and Iowa; the lead technical assistance provider for the CLSD grants; and a senior technical assistance consultant at the American Institutes for Research (AIR). Ms. Bates has been a teacher leader and technical assistance provider for more than 20 years. Prior to joining AIR, Ms. Bates taught in both rural and suburban settings in Illinois, Iowa, Oregon, and Alaska. Since joining AIR, Ms. Bates has coached teachers and coaches in schools targeted for improvement, supporting various aspects of instruction and literacy. In addition to providing technical assistance, Ms. Bates has served as the literacy subject matter expert for various research studies. Ms. Bates earned a master’s degree in reading from the University of Alaska Southeast. She attained her National Board Certification in Early Adolescence/English Language Arts while teaching in Iowa.

Emma Dorn leads knowledge development and dissemination for McKinsey & Company’s education work around the globe. She also serves clients across the public, private, and social sectors, including school systems, higher-education institutions, technology companies, bilateral and multilateral donors, foundations, and educational nonprofit organizations. Ms. Dorn’s areas of focus include improving access to and quality of education for historically underserved populations, supporting efforts to meet the United Nations’ sustainable development goal related to education (SDG 4), applying advanced analytics for social impact, and applying technology to improve teaching and learning. She has also shaped recent thinking on how school systems can respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and reimagine more equitable school systems emerging from the crisis.

Bridget Humphries, Ed.D., PMP, has more than 15 years of experience in education, working as a classroom teacher in special education and French; a local education agency administrator, when she was director of academic programs for the District of Columbia Public Schools; a university instructor in special education at George Washington University; and, currently, a senior technical assistance provider and project director for CLSD. Dr. Humphries works comfortably with policymakers and practitioners at the national, State, district, and school levels. She previously served as project director for the Department of Defense Education Activity’s Evaluation Technical Assistance Center, designing specially tailored assistance and professional learning opportunities related to program evaluation.

James Lane, Ed.D., most recently served as Virginia's 25th Superintendent of Public Instruction, a position appointed by the Governor of Virginia. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Lane was a division superintendent in three school divisions in Virginia (Chesterfield, Goochland, and Middlesex Counties). Throughout his career, he has served as an Assistant Superintendent, Principal, and Assistant Principal after beginning his career as a Teacher/Band Director. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University, and the University of Virginia.

LeeAnn McGraw, M.Ed. , earned her B.S. in applied arts and science and an alternative certification for teaching kids from early childhood through fourth grade from Lamar University, earned her M.Ed. in educational leadership from Stephen F. Austin State University, and obtained a superintendent certification from Region 18. She began her educational career in 2007 at Center Independent School District. She taught grades 6–12 in areas of science, reading, and career and technical education (CTE). She later moved to West Texas to accept an administrative role in the levels of pre-K through eighth grade. She is in her second year as the principal of McCamey Middle School in McCamey, Texas. She considers herself an innovative leader and strives to challenge herself and her staff in implementing solid teaching practices for students.

Elizabeth Swanson, Ph.D., has served the field of education for more than 20 years as a special education teacher, researcher, public speaker, and writer. Funded by more than $30 million in Federal and State funds, Dr. Swanson’s work at the University of Texas at Austin focuses on improving literacy outcomes for struggling readers and students with disabilities. Recently, she was the principal investigator of the Building Capacity for Response to Intervention (RTI) Implementation Project, a Texas Education Agency–funded project to support RTI implementation across the State.

Additional Resources

Additional Secondary Literacy Resources Shared at the December 2021 Topical Meeting

  1. What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Practice Guide: Improving Adolescent Literacy: Effective Classroom and Intervention Practices
  2. WWC Practice Guide: Teaching Secondary Students to Write Effectively
  3. REL Southeast: Summary of 20 years of research on the effectiveness of adolescent literacy programs and practices
  4. REL Southeast: Self-Study Guide for Implementing High School Academic Interventions
  5. General Education Leadership Network (GELN): Essential Instructional Practices for Disciplinary Literacy in the Secondary Classroom
  6. GELN: Essential School-Wide Practices in Disciplinary Literacy: Grades 6 to 12
  7. Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) Center: Innovation Configuration: Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for Adolescents Grades 6-12
  8. CEEDAR Center: Course Enhancement Module: Disciplinary Literacy